Our anti-roll sleepers: a star accessory for newborns.

Nuestros Rulitos Antivuelco : Un accesorio estrella para los recién nacidos.

Good morning everyone,

Today we are launching our blog and we wanted to start talking about the anti-tip rollers and it is a very popular product among our customers but also one that generates some doubts.

The main difference of our anti-roll sleepers is that there are two of them.

Two little rollers joined together and with a distance that you can adjust as your baby grows as it is a product that you will use for several months and that will help you a lot so that your baby can sleep on its own and safely in its cot.

The reason why there are two little rolls is to make sure that the baby is in a safe position and to help him/her to feel collected.

We must also bear in mind that to prevent the baby's head from lying flat on its back, we must move the baby during the day so that it sleeps on its side. And the roll will help us a lot with this; as one of them is longer than the other and that is where we will support the baby's back and we will simply have to change the position of the roll-ups during the day to make sure that the baby doesn't always sleep on the same side.

We are delighted with the result and the reception; and that is why we have made several models. All of them are removable and easy to wash in the washing machine.

We hope you liked our first blog post and that we have solved some of your doubts. Anyway, don't hesitate to write us an email ( info@wombatkids.com) or a message on instagram (@wombatkids) if you have any other questions.

A kiss to all of you


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